Friday, October 1, 2010

Doug Casey on the Tea Party

"The problem with the Tea Party movement is that it has no underlying philosophical basis. Without that sound foundation, it's either going to fail or transform into something really ugly. On average, Tea Party members know something is wrong. They're disgruntled, and they want change. Not the Obama type of change – but what? You just don't know which direction they may go, and there are some very disturbing directions they could end up taking. ... They tend to be thoughtless and reflexive. They conflate some muddled feelings of "tradition" with an actual belief system. They operate on a stimulus-response basis. They're religious in exactly the same way as fundamentalist Muslims. And they're hypernationalistic. ... The Tea Party is a middle-class movement that channels ... fear into the political arena – and politics always caters to the lowest common denominator. Fear is very dangerous, it can have all kinds of very nasty results. Fear causes people to act irrationally."

Great Interview about the Tea Party, Click Here.

1 comment:

jolyn said...

I totally disagree. This man does not understand what the people are saying. Fear is not what they are channeling