Monday, January 24, 2011

Pro-Lifers for Mass Murder, by Laurence M. Vance

This is a great illustration of "consevative" hypocrisy, and what I once tried to explain to someone on a long road trip to Boise . . .

"Why are pro-lifers so indifferent to, and in some cases so defensive of, war, militarism, and nationalism? I think the main reason is ignorance. Ignorance of the Republican Party. Ignorance of U.S. foreign policy. Ignorance of history. Ignorance of the military. Ignorance of the Bible they profess to believe . . .
     Pro-lifers should be just as concerned about their government sanctioning the killing of foreigners on the battlefield in an unjust war as they are about their government sanctioning the killing of babies in the womb in an abortion.
     It is hypocrisy in the highest degree to talk about the sanctity of life and the evils of abortion and then turn around and show contempt for, or indifference to, the lives of adults and foreigners."

For the rest of the article Click Here


Kim and Joe said...

I agree murder is murder. A person who has been alive is just as important as one in the womb. I'm not sure about the war thing. That is not murder. Soldiers go to war for their country. I do believe that a war should be just but!!! The soldiers just are doing their duty and job and don't really know the details of those above them. But for those who have all the facts and are choosing to go to war for the wrong reasons are definately held accountable.

jolynatwood said...

I agree with Kim. Also, murder of an innocent baby who has done nothing to anyone is most abominable. We do also need to know more about the wars and why we are going to war. Soldiers lives are important, unless self defence is the issue and they are attacking you. That probably goes for the unborn also, in the case of the life of the mother.